Amendment 2 defeated
WIN (amendment 2 defeated) - quote from Ona Marshall & Dr. Ernest Marshall, EMW Women's Surgical Center & the Kentucky Reproductive Freedom Fund
Yesterday, Kentucky voters rejected amendment 2, which would have paved the way for a permanent ban on abortion in our state. Guided by their individual beliefs, values and circumstances, people in Kentucky seek abortions for a variety of medically complex and deeply personal reasons. With this vote, the people of Kentucky showed great care and respect for each other and sent a clear message to lawmakers: that they trust each person to decide what’s best for themselves and their families.
Today, because of two existing laws, abortion remains banned in Kentucky; anyone who needs abortion care must travel out of state. EMW Women’s Surgical Center is actively challenging both of these bans in court, and the defeat of amendment 2 means that we can go on to fight for the rights, freedom, and equality of everyone in the state.
Our health and how we create our families are private decisions — decisions that we as people of faith and abortion care providers trust each person to make for themselves. We are grateful today that the people of Kentucky protected the right to make critical decisions about their health, bodies, lives and futures.