Kentucky Reproductive Freedom Fund Fellowship Program: Madeline Dyer & The Feminist Majority Foundation.

Following the United States Supreme Court's decision to ignore a 50-year precedent and overturn Roe v Wade, which stripped women of the fundamental right to abortion, Roe is no longer a safety net. Without federal protections, access to comprehensive reproductive rights is now completely in the hands of the states. The United States Supreme Court and many state courts are extremely hostile to abortion, contraceptives, civil rights and personal liberties. 

We're in the midst of one of the greatest health and legal crises of our time. We shouldn't have gotten to this point, but here we are. During a crisis, the door to change opens just a crack. The days ahead will not be easy and meeting the moment will require long-term sustained effort. 

Future generations must be prepared to continue the critical work of protecting our rights to abortion and contraceptives. The Kentucky Reproductive Freedom Fund identifies, empowers, and nurtures the future generation of reproductive rights advocates and leaders. It's imperative to ensure there are strong, confident young people to carry on the critical work for our freedoms and equality. 

Listen to one of our fellows that completed a 24-week fellowship at the Feminist Majority Foundation, National Clinic Access Project, above.

This is the moment to fight with everything we've got. You don't get what you don't fight for.

 Please join us in this work, which is essential for us all.


Ona Marshall & Dr. Ernest Marshall, Founders of the Kentucky Reproductive Freedom Fund receive Global Women's Rights Award


Kentucky Reproductive Freedom Fund partners with Rose Community Foundation